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Toronto lays out plans to support growth of cricket in city with new fields proposed

City's 27 pitches can't support cricket's growth

July 19, 2024  By Turf & Rec

Photo: Lance Bellers/Adobe Stock Images

Toronto’s 27 cricket pitches can’t support the sport’s growth in the region, city staff claims.

In response, Toronto’s executive committee has laid out a plan to meet the growing sport’s needs. CBC News reports five new playing fields would be planned over the next five years, with a full-size pitch slated for McCleary Park and two practice pitches at Parma and Farquarson parks.

City Coun, Parthi Kandavel told CBC News that construction of a cricket pitch costs between $60,000 and $80,000 – an expense considered cheap.

To read the full CBC News story, click here.

This article is part of the Municipalities Week.

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