Turf & Rec

News Autonomous Equipment & Battery Power Municipal Sports turf
Strathroy, Ont. officials impressed with autonomous mower’s performance

Technology put to the test on local soccer fields

July 25, 2024  By Turf & Rec

Strathroy-Caradoc, a community in southwestern Ontario near London, is trying a robotic mower to cut soccer fields at a local sports park.

The London Free Press reports the idea of mowing sports fields using auton0mous technology came from a Calgary golf course that was using the technology.

The municipality partnered with the Strathroy United Football Club to test the Echo TurfMower on two full-size fields and three other smaller fields. The club is paying half the cost of the $40,000 mower.

Officials are impressed with what they’re seeing.


To read the full London Free Press report, click here.

This article is part of the Municipalities Week.
This article is part of the Equipment Week.

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