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News Landscaping Eco-Friendly Equipment
New Jersey landscaping companies take exception to proposed statewide gas blower ban

Unlike California, New Jersey is 'bombarded' with leaves, NJLCA president says

June 21, 2024  By Turf & Rec

The U.S. landscaping industry is fighting back against legislation aimed at banning or restricting gasoline-powered leaf blowers.

A ban officially begins next month in California, and similar legislation is taking place in Washington, D.C. and in individual municipalities in Oregon, Maryland, Vermont and Illinois. New Jersey is now contemplating a statewide ban on the equipment.

The Associated Press quoted the president of the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association as saying unlike California, New Jersey is “bombarded” with leaves.

One contractor said he has upwards of $200,000 invested in gasoline-powered blowers and asked what he’s supposed to do with that inventory.


A state Senate committee has proposed that although a statewide ban is being sought, four-stroke combustible engines could still be used during spring and fall peak cleanup periods.

To read the full Associated Press story, click here.


This article is part of the Earth Week.

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