Turf & Rec

News Golf Government Affairs
Military base’s golf course in jeopardy of closure due to unsafe clubhouse conditions

CFB Petawawa Golf Club is the only golf course in town

May 1, 2024  By Turf & Rec

A lack of funds needed to ensure its clubhouse can operate safely might mean the Petawawa Golf Club’s days are numbered.

The golf course is located on the base at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, Ont. and is the only golf facility in town. The civilian-operated golf course was recently told its clubhouse would have to shut down by April 2025 due to a lack of funds to keep it safe.

A groundskeeper at the club, however, disputes the unsafe claim. Bob Nancekivell questions why staff are still working inside the building if it’s considered unsafe and wonders why $2 million was recently spent on the installation of an elevator.

CFB Petawawa’s base commander says the long-term future of the clubhouse isn’t sustainable under its present cost. Funds needed for necessary upgrades – expected to be about $7 million – are required for military training, he said.


Those who wish to see the golf course remain open argue that losing the town’s only course would adversely affect morale among both active members and veterans.

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