Turf & Rec


Stories continue below

Eco-Friendly PracticesGolfMunicipal

June 13, 2024
Montreal poised to ban some pesticides next year for use on city golf courses

Autonomous Equipment & Battery PowerEco-Friendly Equipment

May 29, 2024
Oakville, Ont. won’t be imposing a ban on gas-powered equipment any time soon

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

May 22, 2024
Support of No Mow May initiative backfires for Barrie, Ont. resident

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

May 13, 2024
Brampton, Ont. initiating weed control plan while still maintaining biodiversity

Eco-Friendly EquipmentLandscapingMunicipal

May 10, 2024
Metro Vancouver moving closer toward phasing out gas-powered landscaping equipment

Eco-Friendly PracticesTree care

May 10, 2024
Milwaukee Tool planting 100 trees at Markham, Ont. to mark its 100th anniversary

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

April 24, 2024
‘Sponge park’ slated for Montreal will help absorb rainwater, mitigate flash floods

Eco-Friendly PracticesTurf care

April 23, 2024
An in-depth look at the pros and cons of converting lawns to clover

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

April 10, 2024
Vancouver allowing one day per week for residential lawn watering amid hot, dry conditions

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipalTurf Revival

March 27, 2024
Orillia, Ont. revises naturalization bylaw to address previously ‘vague’ wording

Earth WeekEco-Friendly PracticesTechnology

March 26, 2024
Green roof technology has many benefits and can survive through periods of drought

AgronomyEarth WeekEco-Friendly SoilsTurf Revival

March 25, 2024
The important role compost plays in tackling climate change

Eco-Friendly SoilsTurf careTurf Revival

January 30, 2024
DNA-analyzed compost plays key role in managing healthy turfgrass

Eco-Friendly EquipmentMowers

January 10, 2024
Safety guide released for propane-powered commercial mowers

Eco-Friendly PracticesTechnology

January 2, 2024
Advisory board of international experts established to help restore biodiversity by 2030

Eco-Friendly PracticesLandscaping

November 27, 2023
Road salt amounts must be reduced to save groundwater and lakes, researcher says

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipalTurf Revival

November 27, 2023
Alberta town mandates drought-tolerant grasses be grown on new lawns

Eco-Friendly PracticesLandscapingTurf Revival

November 15, 2023
Ecologists warn leaf raking is detrimental to important pollinators and birds

Eco-Friendly PracticesFall/Winter PreparationsGolf & LandscapingTurf Revival

November 13, 2023
Gardening writer shares the do’s and don’ts of the ‘leave the leaves’ campaign

Eco-Friendly PracticesTree care

October 31, 2023
Arborist warns artificial turf lawns can be damaging to trees, blocking water, oxygen

Eco-Friendly PracticesProfilesTechnologyTurf Revival

October 5, 2023
Research pegs distillery stillage as a promising turfgrass fertilizer

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

September 19, 2023
Kawartha Lakes council not quite ready to adopt proposed naturalization bylaw

Eco-Friendly PracticesProfilesTurf Revival

September 11, 2023
Canadian researchers play key role in better understanding sensitive soil composition

Autonomous Equipment & Battery PowerEco-Friendly EquipmentTechnology

September 3, 2023
Electric and battery power going bigger in turf industry machinery

AgronomyEco-Friendly PracticesTurf Revival

September 1, 2023
Are biosolids good for turf, or just bull? Research looks at practicality, sustainability

Eco-Friendly PracticesMunicipal

August 10, 2023
Property owner defiant in effort to get Magog, Que. to change its plant growth bylaw

Eco-Friendly PracticesLandscapingTurf Revival

August 4, 2023
Kamloops a trend setter for its embracing of xeriscaped yards over traditional lawns

Eco-Friendly PracticesLandscapingTurf Revival

July 28, 2023
Community workshops aim to give local residents an appreciation of sustainable landscaping